Pastor Oyedepo

Pastor Oyedepo is a known Nigerian preacher, Christian mentor and  the founder and presiding Bishop of the megachurch Faith Tabernacle in Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria, and Living Faith Church Worldwide, also known as Winners' Chapel International. The Winners' Chapel International network of churches is located in over 300 cities, in all states of Nigeria, and in several cities in 45 African nations, Dubai, the United Kingdom and the United States. Oyedepo has been seen as one of the great mentor of the Christian charismatic movement in Africa and has been referred to as one of the most powerful preachers in Nigeria. He is the Chancellor of Covenant University and Landmark University. He was named in 2011 by Forbes magazine as being the richest pastor in Nigeria. Pastor David Oyedepo through his twitter during the Easter celebration service, charged Christians to be expectant from Today Sunday April 12th to Friday May 22nd 2020. According to the man of God, the proof of Christ's resurrection would be manifested and encountered in our lives within the two dates.
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